Stoney Road Films is a distribution and production company based in Dublin, Ireland. We distribute films in Ireland and the UK, theatrically, on DVD and to TV. Here you will find further information about interesting films to buy or perhaps to become involved in or maybe you have a film you need to be distributed. We produce documentary and drama productions of our own with the principle aim being to produce high quality projects that have both an artistic and a dramatic purpose, that are content and character driven, entertaining and informing as well as delving into new areas of form and concept. This means that much of our work is in the areas of human rights, artistic endeavour, or left of field concepts, but we also produce comedy and drama, and are happy to work on high concept projects as well, and also have made several music productions a sample of which you will find elsewhere on our site. We work with major broadcasters but also with organisations and NGOs such as Amnesty, Concern, Comhlamh, Ruhama, on various campaigns and events from 'Stop Violence Against Women' to anti- Human Trafficking to helping victims of abuse, and raising awareness of these issues. |